The Next Story: Wrapping It Up
I'm cheating today and going to work through chapter 9 and the epilogue of Tim Challies' book, The Next Story . Chapter 9 deals with the subjects of privacy and visibility. Digital Footprints It is commonly known that everything you do on your computer will typically leave traces behind. Between cookies and caches and system event logs one can glean a lot of information about a person's computer usage. This is often why people addicted to online pornography are so habitual about clearing their browser history, they try to remove traces of their addiction - of their sin. But even if you successfully clear all evidences of your browsing history and computer usage from your computer, are you aware that those evidences are often likely still out there? Every time I search for something on Google that search is logged into a database. Somewhere out there, perhaps in multiple backups, there is info about my search history. Tim points out, quite rightly, that on some...