Chocolate Panini

This hot treat is quick and easy to make. Just pick up a loaf of Ciabatta or French bread from your neighborhood Panera Bread and some premium-quality bittersweet chocolate from your grocery.

2 thin slices of Panera Ciabatta or French bread
about 1 ounce premium bittersweet chocolate

The amount of chocolate used varies depending upon the type of bread you use. The idea is to cover one piece of bread with about 3/8 inch of chocolate.

Place chocolate on one slice of bread, arranging evenly and up to 1/2 inch from all edges to allow space for chocolate to melt. Cover with the other slice of bread. Toast on a panini grill, or in a 500 degree oven for 5 minutes on each side. Use tongs to turn the panini to avoid being burned by very hot chocolate drips. Remove from oven when both sides are lightly toasted and chocolate melts. Cool briefly before serving.

Warning — the chocolate will be very hot when the panini comes out of the oven. Resist the temptation to bite into it right away! Be sure to cool it a little while. It will be worth the wait.


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