Passover 2009 Series: Introduction

I love the story of Passover, the foreshadowing of Christ's final redemptive work, the Father's mercy - I love it all. Truth be told I'm a fan of a lot of the OT festivals. I don't necessarily observe them, but I try to at least reflect upon them as they're taking place. I think it is a shame that so many Christians avoid/ are ignorant of the rich history of the Old Testament.

So, in honor of Passover I'm going to be posting a series of recipes that would comprise a typical Jewish Sedar (Passover meal) as well as anything I think might help us reflect upon Christ's redemptive work during this time. I don't do Lent, I do Passover. ;)

Dates to keep in mind

Passover: Thursday, the 9th of April and will continue for 7 days until Wednesday, the 15th of April.
Resurrection Sunday: Sunday, April 12, 2009


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