Thankful for blogs

Recently I realized that my Google Reader LOST the RSS feed to one of my favorite blogs. I don't know how long I've missed reading posts, and I can't fathom why it didn't occur to me to look into it.

I guess this might be the reason one blog slipped through the cracks could be this:

Google Reader

Maybe? No? Ok, then. This morning as I read a post I realized just how blessed I've been by a number of bloggers. It has occurred to me that I may/ probably will never meet these men and women until we're in heaven, and yet through the technology that we have access to I can peak into their lives and learn from them and see how God is moving in their lives. It is an amazing thing.

Re the image: I've actually unsubscribed to some blogs in the past b/c it was just to time consuming keeping up with them all, and I think I'm at that point again.

PS: Thanks, Rebecca, for investing the time in putting together the Thankfulness round ups. It has been wonderful.


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