Preying on the destitute

This made me angry, really angry.

Driscoll and Macdonald also saw a glimpse of what lies ahead for many young girls. His posting on line:
If u want a phone, cigarettes or a teenage girl you can get them here in Port au Prince. Like the American who said he's on a relief mission and bought a hungry girl despite our confrontation.

I asked Driscoll more about that scene in a brief phone interview with him last night, minutes after his return last night to the USA.
We were downtown loading up our film crew. There were no police, no medics, to be seen by a huge park with hundreds of people camping out with no where else to go. There was a little cart with a red umbrella and a man selling cell phones and cigarettes -- and a few young girls.
"You want to buy loving?" the guy asked me. I said, "What in the world are you talking about?"
But there was another guy there, who claimed to be a translator for a relief agency, who was negotiating a price for a girl. I asked him what he was trying to do. He said, "Oh, she's a friend of mine. We're just trying to connect."
That's ridiculous. A young girl. A man 20 or 30 years older. I told him this was unacceptable. MacDonald confronted him, too. But there were no police and you could argue all you wanted but the girl took his money and they walked away."

As if a girl being sold in sex trade isn't horrible enough, to be someone who is supposedly there to help these people recover from a natural disaster and do this? Despicable doesn't even begin to cover it. And yet even this is not unseen to God. This man may face no earthly consequences for taking advantage of this girl's situation, yet it won't go unpunished. When I first read the article I was angry, now I'm just sad and hopeful. Hopeful that God would deliver the girl, that He would keep her safe, but even hopeful for the man (and people like him) - even these things can be forgiven. Now my heart breaks thinking about how enslaved to sin this man is (as countless others are) and I pray that God would grab his heart and grant him repentance. His sin will be dealt with, and I sincerely hope he finds it dealt with on the cross of Christ.


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