Easter 2011

Now that the kids' dad is more involved in their lives I don't have them full time on holidays anymore - I know they're glad to see their dad, and I'm happy for them, but I miss how laid back things like Easter used to be. This year I got them for Good Friday and half of Saturday so I tried to make the most of it.

Friday we visited the grandparents and cousins - always a lot of fun, always exhausting. Since I wasn't going to have them for Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection as a family Saturday morning. When they got up they raced to the fridge to grab the stuff to make our Empty Tomb treats - they've been looking forward to it all week. Now that they're older and have a better understanding of the Gospel they get more out of it than just the treats. J is still surprised when our "Jesus marshmallows" disappear, though. It's a lot of fun to talk about how much more amazing the real Jesus and His resurrection is. Once we got done we headed to church to set up for the Easter service.

The next day, of course, was Resurrection Sunday and was insanely busy for me despite the fact that I didn't have the kids. The Easter program was beautiful, as always, and I had the pleasure of spending the rest of the day with some dear friends and rejoicing with them over the Savior's resurrection and our redemption.

Busy. Lovely. Exhausting.


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