The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment: A brief review

I have been reading (almost daily) Tim Challies blog for nearly three years. I first found his blog as I began researching The Purpose Driven Life and have been blessed on many occasions since then. When he announced that he was writing a book I was quite excited and followed along with the rest of his readership as he developed it. Needless to say I have looked forward to reading this book quite a bit.

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment is a brief book (the bulk of the text is only 184 pages), but given Tim's own declaration when defining discernment "I have attempted not to waste any words, so pause if necessary on each word" (pg 60) it is not surprising that the entire book would take on this clear, concise nature. He minces no words, carefully crafting his case for the necessity for discernment in Christian life.

What struck me most, besides the sound Biblical teaching, was Tim's attitude of humility as he sought to teach both the reader and himself.

I have not inserted verses of Scripture simply to prove my case; rather, these verses are my case. If you are to remember anything from this book, let it not be my words, but the words of the Bible.
(pg 18, bold mine)

With a forward from John MacArthur and endorsements from other renowned teachers I do not offer my reflections in the hopes that I might sway some into reading Tim's book; rather simply to thank Tim for being an encouragement and outlet of God's wisdom for the Body of Christ. Of course, if you do decide to purchase the book I have included a link below. ;)


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