Passover begins tomorrow at sundown

I love Passover, I've never been Jewish but I have an insane fixation with the Old Testament festivals, and Passover is my favorite. I love the tradition of recounting God's faithfulness in His delivering the Israelites from Egypt, I love that Jews are called to see that deliverance as their own, to embrace it, to identify themselves with a helpless people who needed to be rescued by the Lord all those years ago.

But most of all I love how it points not just backward to Egypt, but forward to the Cross of Calvary. The Passover is full of rich imagery; the spotless lamb sacrificed, the blood that covers the Israelites as Christ's blood covers our own sins. Even the second of three pieces of matzoh, unleavened bread that is pierced to keep it from rising just as Christ was pierced to ensure He was dead, the second piece is broken, wrapped in a cloth, and then hidden to be brought out later.

Just in case you're wondering what some traditional recipes from a Sedar might look like, I've tracked down some. Chag Pesach Sameach!

¾ cup - Walnuts
¼ piece - Large cooking apple
Kosher wine to moisten
teaspoons - Cinnamon
teaspoons - Sugar

Mince the walnuts and the apple together well, keeping the texture coarse as mortar.
Moisten with wine.
Flavor with cinnamon and sugar.
Makes 20 about ½ teaspoon servings.
Can last for 3 days in a refrigerator.

Matzoh Balls
4 - Eggs
¼ cup - Chicken Stock
¼ cup - Oil
1 ½ teaspoon - Salt
Pepper to taste
1 tablespoon - Fresh Parsley (minced)
1 - Small Carrot (minced)
1 cup - Matzoh Meal
8 cups - Cold Water
1 - Chicken Bouillon Cube
2 teaspoon - Salt

Beat eggs and chicken stock until frothy with a fork.
Add salt, pepper, parsley and carrot to it.
Gradually stir in matzoh meal and oil.
Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to thicken.
Bring water, boullion and salt to a boil.
Reduce heat.
Using wet hands, form thickened matzoh mixture into small golf-sized balls.
Place in pot.
Cover and cook on medium heat for 1 hour.
Remove with slotted spoon.
Transfer to hot chicken soup and let them simmer for at least 5 minutes before serving.
Makes about 16 matzoh balls.


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